Immortal Black Demon
2014.01.25. 15:28

'GOOD Cheval Galopp Horse', Absolute Winner in FMBP. Appearance, 1st in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness.Appearance ; 3rd in Triple Crown Round One:The Preakness; 1st in Dark Lord's - Felntt Mnek kategory; Better in WLE, 2nd in Hogwarts Gallop Race,BEST - Nouvelle Lune Champion,2nd horse in V. Cheval Galopp Cup, Best Horse in 2000 m,Good Galopp Horse,3rd Placed Racehorse of Spring is Big World, Wake Up! Derby,5th Placed of Kentucky Derby 2012 in GPortal, Horse Of June in RTD, Winner of Horses of the Month Race in June 2012,Szavaz verseny gyztese a Salyza P. S.-ben, Nice Black Horse, 5th of Black Horse Appearance in SHB, Nice Horse in Loveless Dance,3rd horse in I. Loveless Derby, Kesha Gallop Cup, participant in "Take it Off, 2600 m" category on Salvadore Establol, The Nice Horse at R.I.P. Ruffian in RTD.,Just Smile at R.I.P. Ruffian in RTD., Best Galopp Horse in AL, 1st in II. Besilu Bount Race Cup, 3rd placed on Let's Meet in Germany! - Galopp Cup in Salyza P. S.,The Best Horse in Salyza P. S.,1st placed on II. Big Competition without Practices in Salyza P. S.,Good Horse in Salyza P. S.,4th placed on II. Big Competition without Practices in Salyza P. S., 5th Placed of Preakness Stakes, Absolute Winner horse of I.Keeneland Galopp Race,Thoroughbred Cup Winner, Winner at Horoscope Appearance. Elite horse in Keeneland Horse Center. 1st of I.Keeneland Galopp Race., Good Horse in M'sM, Good Horse in Ms'M, PERFECT, Perfect Horse in Belmont Stakes Pre-Race, Great Horse in M'sM, 2nd Placed Horse in Marvel Studios Competition, 3rd placed in Happy Birthday! appearance from SJC, 2nd placed in "Arco Iris Galopp Derby", Best in Okinawa, 1st in Appearance in Groups, Good Horse in M's M, PRETTY, 2nd in X. Synline Appearance, Pretty horse, 3rd of Watery Horses Apparance, Elite Horse in Jegykllem, ELite Horse, 1st Horse in First Race in Belmont Gallop Race, October's Best, Beautiful Horse-Head, 1st in I. One Country Galopp: France Bayonne category, 2nd placed on I. Run for Chocolate Gallop, #2 Gallop Horse at Wild Rose, Absolute's Horse, Absolute Winner in Stallion Apperance, Januar's Champion, ELite Horse, 1st Horse in Stallion Appearance, Januar's Best Stallion, 3rd Placed in II. Limited Appearance, ELite Horse,1st Horse in Dream Horse Appearance, Best Horse, 2nd Horse in Thoroughbred Appearance, ELite Horse, 1st Horse in The Galopper Horse race, Good Horse in Ironheart, Good Horse in Ironheart, Good Horse in Ironheart

Trzsknyvezett Neve: Immortal Black
Beceneve: Immi
Szletett: 2011.01.01
Fajtja: Angol telivr
Neme: Mn
Szn: Fekete
Jegyek: hka, jobb els lb zokni

Imd jszaka a legeln vgtzni, nem brja ha a ltogatk a kpbe msznak. ha teheti egyedl van Nagy a motivcija a versenyeken. A versenyek eltt az istllban knytelenek piros szalagot ktni a srnybe s a farkba, mert aki elvigyzatlan azt bizony megharaphatja vagy megrghatja. A zsokjval s a trnervel bartsgos, de csak mert mr sszeszoktak.

Trzsknyvezett Szma: OKT-000/Odin.Stall
Szrmazsi Hely: Loveless Dance Breeding Center
Tenyszengedly: Igen / Nem
Fedez: Igen / Nem
Immortal Black |
Demon |
Demonic Black |
Demona |
Black Viper |
Viper's bite |
Black Soul |
- Gray Dreamer ()
- Asgard's Last Warrior (Celestial Warrior)

Rajtengedly: Igen / Nem
Eredmnyeinek szma: 47 db
Szakg: Kllem, Galopp - Hossztv
Edzsterv: Katt
- Cup of Thoroughbreds / mnek
- Horoscope Apparance / angol telivr
- I. Keeneland Galopp Race / hossztv (
- Apparance in Groups / mn
- Jegykllem / - (
- First Race in Belmont / hossztv (
- The Game of Thrones Series: Galopp Cup / greyjoy (
- I. One Country Galopp: France / Bayonne (
- Stallions Apparance /mnek ( + ABSZOLT
- Dream Horses Apparance (
- The Galopper Horse race hossztv (
- Apparance Everyone /mnek (
- Training Day / kllem (
- Training Day / Hossztv (
- Training Day / Training Day (
- Hogwarts galopp race / hossztv
- Kentucky Cup / hossztv
- cheval Cup / hossztv (
- Belmont Stakes elkszt verseny / mnek
- Marvel Studios Competition / x-men~kvlllk
- Marvel Studios Competition / penge~ Penge 1.
- Arco Iris Galopp Derby / hossztv
- X. Synline Apparance
- What is your Breed? / angol telivr (
- I. Run for chocolate galopp / hossztv (
- Thoroughbred Apperance / mnek (
- Szilaj Lonevelde / hossztv
- Triple Crown Round One: Preakness / hossztv (
- Terza/ hossztv
- Big World wake up! Derby / hossztv
- I. Loveless Derby / hossztv (
- Let's Meet in Germany! galopp cup / hossztv
- Den Haag Handicap 2013 / gelderland oaks
- II. RIP Ruffian Tiszteletverseny / kllem
- March's Apparance / mnek
- Happy Birthsday! apparance
- Watery Horse Apparance / frdets (
- Head Apparance / felnttek (
- II. Limited Appearance / mnek - fekete(
- 4. Hely: Season Apparance / tavasz
- 4. hely: Card's Apparance / king
- 4. Hely: June Apparance / mn
- Preakness Stakes Results / hossztv
- II. Big Competition without Practitices / hossztv
- Kesha Galopp Cup / hossztv
- II. RIP Ruffian Tiszteletverseny / kllem
- Kentucky Derby 2012 in GP / i have another stakes

Teljes Galria: Katt
